Jake Shackelford


Jake Shackelford

Assistant Athletic Director & IT Coordinator


  • Bachelors of Science of Agriculture and Consumer Sciences with a Concentration in Agriculture Extension Services

Honors & Awards

  • Deans List last two years at Tarleton State University 

Get to Know Coach Shackelford

“I am an amateur musician and music enthusiast. I love watching live music and work in Sports Television as well. I enjoy the technical aspects of live music and live broadcasts. I also enjoy rodeo and most sports events. I love to travel and have been blessed to travel to many parts of the world and look forward to my next great adventure. 

My faith is a vital part of every aspect of my life. I believe that I have been given one of the greatest opportunities to share and inspire faith in my athletes. My job allows me to develop relationships with students that most teachers do not get. My athletes spend countless hours with me, and I have the opportunity to encourage them when a task is difficult and champion them when they get a concept that was impossible for them just a few days prior. We go to battle on the football field week in and week out. My position allows me to inspire Christ like attitudes both in victory and defeat. It challenges me to grow my own faith so I can share that with my athletes. I also have to share areas of weakness, so they understand that faith is not just a matter of everything being perfect. We all struggle, and I get to model struggling in a manner that glorifies the Lord.”