School Uniforms

Summit Christian Academy > School Uniforms

All students are expected to adhere to the school uniform requirements regarding clothing styles and colors. The only items required to be purchased through a particular vendor are PE uniforms.

For more details on the uniform requirements for your student, reference the Secondary Student Handbook and Elementary Student Handbook on the Parent Resources page.

Uniform Policy

  • All students are required to wear a uniform each day.
  • Specifics on styles and colors can be found below or in the student handbook..
  • Uniform shirts (long or short sleeved) must be navy, true red, or white polo style shirts.
  • Casual Wednesdays may be observed by those who sign up to participate in them and pay the Casual Wednesday fee. Information pertaining to Casual Wednesdays will be communicated in the first few weeks of the school year. Guidelines for casual dress are provided in the student handbook.
  • For special events, such as dances, the dress code for the event will be communicated by the administration.
  • Middle School students are required to wear their PE Uniform all day on the days they have PE.
  • For additional details on dress code, please refer to the student handbooks.

Required Items For All Students

  • PE uniforms are unisex in size.
  • Red mesh style PE shorts with white Eagles logo (Pre-K through 8th)
  • Heather gray PE t-shirt with red SCA logo (Pre-K through 8th)
  • PK-5th grades may wear their PE uniform all day long on their designated PE days.
  • Students in 6th-8th grades may wear the PE uniform on days in which they have PE class.

All required PE uniforms and logo shirts should be purchased through Destination Athlete, click here.

Please call the front office at 512-250-1369 for additional questions or concerns.

Optional Elementary Uniform For Cold Weather

  • Plain navy blue sweatpants for PE.
  • Outerwear that meets SCA guidelines, including spirit wear.

Boys Uniform

  • Pants or shorts in khaki or navy.
  • Solid color, polo-style uniform shirt in navy, true red, or white (long or short sleeve).
  • Shorts are to be mid thigh in length.
  • Uniform sweaters or vests in the approved solid colors.
  • Approved colors for undershirts are navy, true red, white, and gray only.
  • Students may wear their choice of closed-toe shoes. CROCS are not permitted.
  • Socks should match and should not be distracting in nature.
  • Hoodies/sweatshirts must fit appropriately (not too big/baggy) and must be approved uniform colors: red, white or blue.

Girls Uniform

  • Solid color pants, shorts, or skirts in khaki or navy.
  • Elementary girls may wear a navy and red Hamilton plaid skirt, shorts, or jumpers.
  • Solid color, polo-style uniform shirts in navy, true red, or white (long or short sleeve).
  • Secondary girls’ skirts and shorts are to be mid thigh in length. (We understand there are different body types
    and therefore Summit Christian Academy reserves the right to make case-by-case decisions with exception to
  • Uniform sweaters or vests in the approved solid colors.
  • Socks or stockings in solid true red, white, off-white, khaki, or navy.
  • Students may wear their choice of closed-toe shoes. CROCS are not permitted.
  • Hoodies/sweatshirts must fit appropriately (not too big/baggy) and must be approved uniform colors: red, white or blue.

Outer Garments

  • Summit Christian Academy logo jackets
  • Summit Christian Academy athletic jackets
  • Summit Christian Academy sanctioned logo sweatshirt
  • Summit Christian Academy letterman jacket
  • Hoodies/sweatshirts may be worn in cold weather but must be worn over a uniform polo-style shirt.
  • Hoodies/sweatshirts may only be solid navy, red, white or gray. Hoodies/sweatshirts may not have logos,
    designs or patterns on them. They must be solid.
  • Hoodies/sweatshirts must fit appropriately (not too big/baggy) and may not be longer than shorts/skirts.
  • All other cold weather jackets should not contain offensive logos or wording.
  • Hats, caps and hoods may be worn on campus, but should be removed upon entering a building.
  • Exceptions to any dress code are outlined during Spirit Week/Homecoming Week.
  • Students must wear full, approved uniforms under all outer garments (coats and hoodies).
  • Casual Day Clothing

      On casual dress days, students have the opportunity to wear other clothing. Clothing should be modest, neat, and conservative (I Timothy 2:2-10; I Corinthians 10:33).

    • Pants with holes or tears are not acceptable (leggings or patches under/over the holes or tears in pants do not make the pants acceptable).
    • Shirts and blouses must have sleeves and the top length must be long enough to cover the top of a student’s skirt or pants at all times. Blouses with spaghetti straps are not allowed, and all dresses and blouses must be opaque (not see-through).
    • No leggings, jeggings, or stretch pants may be worn, unless worn with a dress or blouse at least mid-thigh in length.
    • Pajama pants and house slippers may not be worn. Students must wear closed- toed shoes. Flip-flops, sandals and CROCS are not allowed.
    • Hats or caps may not be worn in the building. Shorts and skirts must be at least mid-thigh in length.

    We understand there are different body types and therefore Summit Christian Academy reserves the right to make case-by-case decisions with exception to policy.