Summit Christian Academy > Faith > Intentional Discipleship at Summit Christian

Then he said to them all: “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me. For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will save it. What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, and yet lose or forfeit their very self?” Luke 9:23-25

At Summit Christian Academy, our mission is to partner with families to empower students to impact the world for Jesus Christ. This is reflected in our vision statement to graduate empowered leaders who impact the world. In alignment with our mission and vision, SCA has developed a comprehensive Intentional Discipleship Program. This program has specific components tailored to the development of knowledge and character. Each grade level’s Bible Class, Worldview Seminars, Chapel, and Impact Projects all strive to develop leaders and learners who seek to live out a Biblical Worldview and are rooted in God’s Word. This year, SCA has implemented some more specific changes to our Secondary Chapel program, along with the introduction of Secondary Small Groups and Secondary Student Worldview Seminars. 

For our Chapel program, traditional Chapel services will still occur twice a month, with worship and a message given by either a member of staff, or a guest from the community. As an additional change this year, our Chapel program will focus specifically on the Book of James. Speakers will base their messages upon verses from James. Once monthly, Chapel will be Missions Focused.

During the third Chapel of the month, students will break out into Worldview Seminars. There, students will be briefed on a worldview topic. Discussion over what the Bible says, and the practical application for everyday life will be guided by designated adult leaders. 

Discipleship Small Groups will begin meeting once weekly. Utilizing curriculum from Rooted Reservoir, small groups will begin to apply Biblical principles to real-world scenarios. Small groups are separated by grade level and gender, and are led by teachers or special leaders from the SCA parent community. During the fall semester, small groups will be working through the Gospel Foundations. In the spring, groups will explore Foundations of Grace, focusing on the Book of Ephesians.

Here at Summit, we are committed to the development of our students into empowered leaders who are ready to impact the world. Our Intentional Discipleship Program is designed to do just that.