An observer account allows parents to view course assignments, material due dates, current grades, announcements and other content related to the courses in which their student participates. Notification and alerts such as for grades and due dates can also be established from a parent observer account.
Here's how to access a Canvas Parent Observer Account:
Use the above "Parent Observer Login" button to access the login page.
Input your username and password sent to you from our Registrar. If you have not received your username and password, please contact
Click "Log In."
Now you are in the Canvas Dashboard for your student(s). If you have more than one student enrolled, use the pull down menu at the top to switch between students.
Canvas has mobile apps for parents and students. You can find them on the Apple and Google play stores. Search for Canvas Student or Canvas Parent. After downloading the Canvas app to your smartphone, connect your account following the below instructions.
For Students:
Log into the Summit Canvas website with the student username and password.
Go to the Account tab.
Select QR for Mobile Login
Confirm QR code display: select the "Proceed" button.
Launch the Canvas app and scan the QR code by viewing it through the camera on your phone.
For Parent Observers:
Log into the Summit Canvas website with the parent/observer username and password.
Go to the Account tab.
Select QR for Mobile Login
Confirm QR code display: select the "Proceed" button.
Launch the Canvas app and scan the QR code by viewing it through the camera on your phone.
NOTE: Do not use the "Find My School" option in place of scanning the QR Code as it is very easy to find the wrong one.