Educational Savings Accounts

Summit Christian Academy > Educational Savings Accounts

Educational Savings Accounts and Summit Christian Academy

At Summit Christian Academy, our mission is to partner with families to empower students to impact the world for Jesus Christ. As we anticipate the possibility of Educational Savings Accounts (school vouchers) becoming available, we remain steadfast in our commitment to our current families and the strong, authentic community that defines SCA.

Points of Contact

Update on Texas Senate Bill 2 and Educational Savings Accounts

February 14, 2025

Dear SCA Families,

I want to take a moment to update you on Senate Bill 2, a bill currently being considered by the Texas Legislature. If passed, this legislation will allocate state funds to Educational Savings Accounts (ESAs), empowering Texas families with additional financial support to pursue private school education.

The bill was passed by the Senate on February 5, 2025. It has been passed to the House, where it will be debated in the House Committee. If it passes the House Committee, it would then be presented to the House for a vote. Currently, the bill could take effect before the start of the 2025-2026 academic year in August. The bill does state that the comptroller must have the program in effect no later than the end of May 2026.

The proposed bill dedicates $1 billion to funding these Educational Savings Accounts. Families would be eligible to use these funds to offset private school tuition and other qualifying educational expenses. At this time, some specific details, such as uniform and technology allowances have been added to the bill. As this bill is continuing to be debated and amended, we have continued to use a database to compile articles and information as it becomes available. We have also ensured that there are links directly to the bill, and the current legislative session.

As we continue to monitor the progress of SB2, please know that Summit Christian Academy remains committed to our mission and to supporting our current families. We are prayerfully considering how this legislation may impact our community while ensuring that the Christ-centered, authentic environment you value at SCA remains unchanged.

We will provide updates as new information becomes available. If you have any questions or would like to discuss this further, please feel free to reach out.

Very respectfully,

Scott Mac Leod

Head of School

Summit Christian Academy